Kamis, Oktober 27, 2011

Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park Talks Composers

Dari situs Artist Direct, excellent!!! Berikut kutipannya:

Audiences everywhere will soon be able to hear Mike Shinoda's score for Indonesian action epic The Raid. It comes from the same place that Linkin Park brews their daring and diverse distillation of genres, but it also shows another side of Shinoda. He's always infused a distinctly cinematic aesthetic into Linkin Park's music—especially on songs like "Iridescent" and "When They Come For Me"—however, for The Raid, he expands upon that sentiment as far as possible.

So in terms of film music, who are some of Mike Shinoda's favorite composers?

"A lot of mainstream stuff, really," Shinoda says with a smile. "I like Hans Zimmer and John Williams. I also really like Danny Elfman because his style is so distinctive and I grew up listening to Oingo Boingo.

Baca lengkapnya di sini (dah tinggal dikit yang blom di-copy-paste hehe). Waw, Mike Shinoda-Linkin Park, Danny Elfman dan Serbuan Maut (The Raid)!

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