Senin, Februari 13, 2012

Award-winning composer-lyricist Schwartz talks about his hit musical

Tanggal 9 Februari yang lalu, situs mem-publish wawancaranya dengan Stephen Schwartz. Termasuk dalam wawancara tersebut adalah keterlibatan beliau di Houdini, berikut kutipannya:

Q: Danny Elfman was originally going to compose for "Houdini." How did you end up on the project?

A: I've had some meetings over time with the team trying to put it together. But it was only recently with the arrival of Aaron Sorkin as book writer that it really started to come together, and particularly was attractive to me because I'm such a huge admirer of his work. A picture like "Moneyball" might not be at first glance a topic that everybody in the world is interested in, but it was so well-written. He's just such a good writer, and when he takes on a project, he finds a way to make it really interesting and surprising and thought-provoking.

Q: How far along are you?

A: Basically we have worked out an outline. Just as with "Wicked," it took quite a while to figure out what the story was, and I think we have a pretty good handle on that now. And we're just starting to write. I actually have not written a note or a lyric yet.

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