Selasa, September 28, 2010

Batman: (Danny Elfman) - Updated Review, With Additional Album

Situs Filmtracks memperbarui review-nya dengan munculnya soundtrack baru Batman tahun 1989 (Batman: Limited Edition 2 CD set Expanded Archival Edition) dari La-La Land Records. Berikut kutipannya: does bring into question whether the 2010 album is worth its price for fans of the score. In its favor, the additional material is noteworthy, including outstandingly restrained performances of the title theme in "Bat Zone" and "Showdown I." The bonus tracks at the end of the second CD include two alternate versions of the overture, but with only subtle changes. Ironically, the "Joker's Commercial" is the most entertaining (and far better in sound quality). The final track has a hidden recording at the end with the studio crew seemingly drunkenly performing "Beautiful Dreamer" complete with catcalls, testimony to the toll that long days of recording must take on peoples' sanity. 

On the other hand, the La-La Land product really didn't live up to the hype that it initially generated because of its sound quality issues.

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Kamis, September 23, 2010

Cirque du Soleil's 'Iris,' featuring music by Danny Elfman, to bow at Kodak Theatre

Berikut kutipan dari tulisan dari LA Times:

The long-awaited Cirque du Soleil production that will take up residence at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood next summer finally has a name and a creative team. "Iris," written and directed by Philippe Decouflé, is set to make its world premiere at the Kodak in the summer of 2011, according to the company. The production will pay homage to the history of filmmaking and is expected to feature dance, acrobatics, live video, filmed sequences and animation. Composer Danny Elfman is writing the original score for "Iris." Elfman is best known for his scores to the movies of Tim Burton as well as the opening theme for the animated TV series "The Simpsons."

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Minggu, September 19, 2010

Steven Tyler to sing a theme song for “SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO”

News not related with Danny Elfman yak, hehe. Situs Tokyo Hive melaporkan bahwa Steven Tyler dari Aerosmith akan membuat theme song untuk film live-action Space Battleship Yamato. Theme song berjudul "Love Lives" tersebut akan dirilis pada tanggal 24 November 2010, sebelum filmnya yang akan dirilis di Jepang tanggal 1 Desember 2010.

Film ini adalah versi live-action untuk film animasi layar lebar Space Battleship Yamato tahun 1977 yang di Jepang menjadi fenomena lebih besar daripada Star Wars. Film animasi tahun 1977 ini dibuat berdasarkan film seri animasi TV yang mulai dibuat/diputar tahun 1974. Ceritanya tetap sama mengenai usaha Yamato untuk menyelamatkan Bumi yang dibombardir komet oleh alien race Gamilons. Bintangnya antara lain Takuya Kimura (Kimutaku), aktor-penyanyi terkenal yang juga anggota band SMAP dan Meisa Kuroki. Takuya Kimura looks good as Kodai Susumu, and he's a fan too!!

Keputusan untuk bekerja sama dengan Steven Tyler ini sudah jelas dimaksudkan untuk mendongkrak kesuksesan film ini, seperti lagu "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" dari Aerosmith terhadap film Armageddon tahun 1998. Tema lagunya mengikuti tema standar film-film Space Battleship Yamato (tentang cinta) sedangkan melodi dan aransemennya standar Aerosmith banget.

Music score-nya sendiri kelihatannya akan menggunakan established themes karena musiknya terlalu iconic untuk tidak digunakan. Para composer yang membuat musik-musik Yamato sebelumnya, antara lain Hiroshi Miyagawa dan Kentaro Haneda, sudah pada wafat, untuk film baru ini, composer-nya adalah Naoki Sato

Dalam trailer-nya yang terbaru, tema-tema yang ada mendapat aransemen baru. Musik yang kemudian digunakan dalam trailer tersebut adalah musik setipe musik E.S. Posthumus (kalau bukan memang salah satu track dari Unearthed, album pertama E.S. Posthumus) baru kemudian Love Lives. Baca artikelnya di sini. Trailer terbarunya dapat dilihat di sini (looks cool!) dan situs resminya yang berbahasa Jepun ada di sini. Laporan pembuatan film ini dapat dibaca di situs, bagian pertamanya di sini dan bagian keduanya di sini. I love this series, hope it spawns zillions of new fans!

Minister wants to pick next Venice jury prez

Situs The Hollywood Reporter menurunkan artikel mengenai keinginan Menteri Kebudayaan Italia, Sandro Bondi, untuk memilih presiden tim juri dari Venice International Film Festival tahun depan karena merasa pilihan-pilihan tim juri tahun ini, yang diketuai (dipresideni??) oleh Quentin Tarantino, terlalu "elitist" (baca: nepotisme). Berikut kutipannya:

Minister Sandro Bondi blasted the decision of the jury to award the festival's top prize to Sofia Coppola's "Somewhere." In the wake of the festival, which concluded Sept. 11, the Italian media charged the choice showed favoritism toward Coppola, Tarantino's former girlfriend.

Tarantino was also criticized for the jury's decision to present Tarantino's mentor, iconic independent filmmaker Monte Hellman, with a career award, and for giving two major awards to Alex de la Iglesia, a long-time friend of the 47-year-old Tarantino.

Danny Elfman termasuk juri untuk film-film yang masuk kategori "Venezia 67" yaitu film-film yang diputar perdana di 67th Venice International Film Festival dan berkompetisi untuk mendapatkan penghargaan tertinggi Golden Lion. Baca hasil lengkap pilihan para juri untuk kategori Venezia 67 dan kategori-kategori lainnya di sini. Baca artikel lengkap THR di sini.

Senin, September 06, 2010

Venezia 67 Jury Photocall: 67th Venice Film Festival

Situs Zimbio menampilkan foto-foto para juri untuk kategori "Venezia 67". Seperti telah dikabarkan sebelumnya, Danny Elfman adalah salah satu juri untuk 67th Venice International Film Festival. Juri untuk kategori Venezia 67 ini ada tujuh orang termasuk ketua para jurinya Quentin Tarantino. Berikut deskripsi untuk Danny Elfman di situsnya:

An eclectic, talented and multifaceted musician, actor, singer and composer. In the 1970s, he joined an avant-garde comedy/music/theatre group founded by his brother Richard that would later become the ska-rock band “Oingo Boingo” of which he was the lead singer until the 1990s. Able to mix the most diverse styles, from classical to rock, to jazz, to goth, always with a sardonic touch, Elfman has been working in motion pictures since 1985, when director Tim Burton asked him to write the music for Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure. The Elfman-Burton collaboration grew tighter with the music for Beetlejuice and Batman, which earned Elfman a Grammy, and continued with Edward Scissorhands, Batman, and Batman Returns, Beetlejuice, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Mars Attacks!, The Corpse Bride, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory and Alice in Wonderland. Elfman’s music for Good Will Hunting, Men In Black, Big Fish and Milk earned him four Oscar nominations. He has also composed the scores for such diverse films as Midnight Run, Spider-Man 1 & 2, Dick Tracy, Sommersby, Mission: Impossible Hellboy 2, Next Three Days and many others. Elfman is also well known for his classic television themes to The Simpsons, Tales from the Crypt and Desperate Housewives. Elfman’s first full-length orchestral commission, Serenada Schizophrana premiered at Carnegie Hall. He made his ballet debut with the American Ballet Theatre with Rabbit and Rogue with choreography by Twyla Tharp.   

Venezia 67 adalah film-film yang diputar perdana di 67th Venice International Film Festival dan berkompetisi untuk mendapatkan penghargaan tertinggi Golden Lion. Ada 23 film yang berkompetisi antara lain Black Swan dari sutradara Darren Aronofsky, Somewhere dari sutradara Sofia Coppola dan Di Renjie Zhi Tongtian Diguo (Detective Dee and the Mystery of Phantom Flame) dari sutradara Tsui Hark. Baca daftar film lengkapnya di sini. Lihat kelima foto di situs Zimbio di sini.

Kamis, September 02, 2010

Danny Elfman attends at the Machete Premiere

Situs melaporkan bahwa Danny Elfman menghadiri pemutaran perdana Machete di 67th Venice International Film Festival. Machete disutradarai oleh Robert Rodriguez, dibintangi oleh Danny Trejo dan musiknya dibuat oleh John Debney. Iya law datang, kan Elfman tugas jadi juri, datang dengan kacamata khasnya. Baca artikelnya di sini.