Filmtracks me-review Oz the Great and Powerful dan memberi bintang empat, berikut kutipannya:
The tone of the writing, as well as the accompanying orchestrations, are absolutely pure Elfman tradition in their execution, nothing about the recording likely to surprise the learned collector of the composer's albums. The music box, organ, stomping tuba rhythms, melancholy violin performances, brass that answers back and forth within the section, prominent bassoons in the mix, cimbalom or mandolin for a touch of wickedness, marching snares for determination, bass string ostinatos for preparation, chimes for resolution, and other instrumental applications are all easily recognizable within Elfman's palette.
The lengthy album (released in physical form by Intrada Records) is a fantastic tool with which to hear what Elfman was attempting in this score, and the composer reaffirms his clear enthusiasm for fantasy concepts throughout the work. Ultimately, however,Oz the Great and Powerful is one of those great ambient listening experiences in the genre that doesn't stand up to focused analysis upon a closer look. For many listeners, such details won't matter, but that is what distinguishes a solid, workmanlike score from one destined to be a classic. ****
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